Heightened strength and continuity

44 years after the late Theo Custers founded edibo, and two management buyouts, it is now time for a takeover. A future perspective that is fully supported by the three current shareholders.

“We believe that this takeover is the next logical step in fortifying the remarkable growth we have realised in these past few years and in securing our future development”, Dirk Paerewyck explains. “The goal is to amplify our strength in the long run, adding more weight to the scale in this highly competitive industrial construction industry.”

“We consciously initiated our search for the right partner. With an incredible constituency of 130 employees spread over four branches and with an annual revenue of 75 million euro we felt it was essential to merge with an organisation that is strong and solid. Moreover, an organisation that would be able to assure the required continuity and synergy with our present organisation.”

This transaction is subject to the prior approval by the Belgian Competition Authority and will only be carried out once the approval has gone through.

"When considering a takeover partner, it was key to find an organisation that clearly puts their people first – like we do at edibo – and that would give us the opportunity to grow and develop independently."

Human approach as the deciding factor

The decision of the current directors to go with the Willy Naessens Group – with their own industrial construction division – was a clear choice for individuality and independence; focusing primarily on the human side of the story.

Danny Ulenaers: “When considering a takeover partner, it was key to find an organisation that clearly puts their people first – like we do at edibo – and that would give us the opportunity to grow and develop independently. All under our own name and obviously with our own people, according to our values and the assets we have been building for decades.”

It is in this context that the current shareholders Danny Ulenaers and Dirk Paerewyck have decided to stay on board to take on the day-to-day management of respectively edibo and edibosud. Following the approval by the Belgian Competition Authority, Jo Boonen will step down and leave the group.

“We are convinced that this takeover by the Willy Naessens Group will meet all our expectations. I’d go even further by saying that this decision will signify an undeniable added value for our people, clients and external partners”, concludes Jo Boonen.